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Past Tenses

1)The Past Simple 
2)The Past Continuous
3)The Past Perfect

1)The Past Simple:
- Its form is: the stem of the verb plus “ed” or “d” for the regular verbs.  
e.g. played, looked, phoned, ...  
- The irregular verbs take a different form. [consult the irregular verbs list]
It is used to describe an action which took place at a specific time in the past, and is often used with time expressions in the past, such as: yesterday, last week, this morning, …
e.g. I went to the park yesterday.  
- It is used to describe an action which took place for a period of time in the past, but is now finished.
e.g. I lived in the countryside when I was a child. (= Now I live in town.) 

*Past simple or Present perfect:  
- The present perfect expresses a non finished action whereas the past simple expresses a finished action.
e.g. I have lived in Algiers for three years. (= I still live  there).
lived in Algiers for two years. (= I live in Bejaia now).

2)The Past Continuous:
- Its form is: to be in the past simple plus the gerund of the verb.  
e.g. He was riding a bicycle.
- It is used to describe an action continuing at a specific point in the past, while not stating when it began or finished.
e.g. I was working upstairs then.
- It is used to describe an action continuing in the past which is interrupted by another action.
e.g. I was revising my lessons when someone knocked at the door.
- It is used to describe a scene in the past with no specific time limits.
e.g. The wind was blowing strongly.

3)The Past Perfect:  
Its form is: to have in the past simple plus the past participle of the verb.
e.g. They had written the report before he made the speech.
- It is used to describe an action taking place before a specific point in the past about which we are already speaking:  
e.g. He died in 2002 while his wife had died ten years earlier.
- It is used with
after to describe a sequence of actions.
e.g. After I had revised the lesson I did the exercise.


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